I wanted to write to let you know that my 5 year old Maxie, a Maltese/Bichon mix, is thrilled with his vegetarian diet and doing really well withs the Vegedog, VegeYeast and Prozyme Plus since he began a month and a half ago.
From the time Maxie was a puppy he only ate "organic" dog food from the local pet store, but either wouldn't like it or would have skin reactions to it. I tried every brand available of "organic" type for dogs with allergies, both wet and dry. But he would still have constant skin issues.
I then put him on a RAW meat diet for dogs with allergies and he didn't do well on that either.
After three years of this, I finally agreed to try Hills ZD for dogs with allergies, as per my vet's recommendation, and he would gobble that down so quickly because it was probably the closest thing to "junk food" for him and probably tasted so good! Some of his skin issues went away, but not completely. He was also lethargic after eating, developed heartburn, and the white around his eyes was yellow and blood shot.
Anyhow, I ended up changing my own diet completely and am now a vegetarian and had a strong desire to put my dog on the same type of diet as well, but wasn't sure how. When I approached my vet about it she reacted almost angrily and asked me why I would want to do that. She told me the Hills ZD is like "gold" and that I would have to "waste" a lot of time preparing the food for my dog if I changed his diet to a homemade diet.
Surprised by her defensive reaction I stopped going to that vet and decided to do research on my own. I found your company through Billie Dean's website, the animal communicator, and am so grateful!
Now, since putting him on a completely homemade, vegetarian diet based on plant proteins along with using the VegeYeast, Vegedog and Prozyme Plus, Maxie is happier, has more energy, the whites around his eyes are WHITE, his eyes are bright, and his fur is softer.