Kim grew up in Southern California, surrounded by animals of various shapes and sizes, and she fell in love with rats before society had a chance to tell her not to. As a young child, she was known as the “neighborhood vet,” often nurturing injured baby birds with an eyedropper feeder and a warm bed. She seemed to have an extra-special connection to animals and an ability to communicate with them. As a young adult, Kim's spare time was spent exploring the spiritual path, volunteering for various organizations on behalf of animals, operating a dog walking and pet sitting service, and welcoming rescued rats into her home.
In addition to earning degrees in Psychology and Clinical Hypnotherapy, Kim studied health and nutrition; earned a degree in Naturopathy; and became a respected health writer, researcher, and nutritional consultant. Along with her husband, she co-authored the book, Uncooking with Jameth and Kim, and co-founded HealthForce Nutritionals, Inc., which offers nutritional
supplements worldwide for both humans and animals -- including the famous Green Mush™.
Also in her adult life, while grieving the loss of a beloved animal companion, Kim unexpectedly began to receive signs and messages from the Other Side. This led her on an incredible journey into the realm of animals and the afterlife. This journey to uncover the truth resulted in Kim writing the award winning book, Animals and the Afterlife: True Stories of Our Best
Friends’ Journey Beyond Death. Since its publication in 2003, Animals and the Afterlife has offered immense comfort and reassurance to anyone who has ever cherished an animal, and food for thought for anyone who has ever questioned the place of these beloved creatures in the larger scheme of things, both here on earth and beyond.
Kim is not only an award-winning author, but also a filmmaker, musician, public speaker, and workshop leader. She is a popular guest on radio and television, and her expertise includes animals, health, and the environment. Kim is the founder of EnLighthouse Entertainment, Earth Fairy® Films, Compassion Circle, Healthy Chick® and Healthy Hunk -- all of which hold true to Kim’s values to raise awareness, teach compassion, and respect the Earth and all living beings. She has been listed in Who’s Who in Executives and Professionals, 2,000 Notable American Women, and Great Minds of the 21st Century.
Kim shares her life with her husband and their beloved animal family. She is the caretaker of an enchanted little kingdom of rescued rats and fish. They have their own sanctuaries and enjoy a homemade, organic, vegan diet. They often arrive at the Rat Refuge or Fish Refuge terrified and in very poor health. With lots of love and TLC, they become vibrant, long-lived, ecstatic beings who live harmoniously with one another, regardless of age, gender (the ratties are spayed/neutered), color, or background. We humans could learn a lot from them!
Ashley Bass is Kim Sheridan’s assistant and the person you'll be hearing from regarding your orders and inquiries. When not working, Ashley's time is devoted to her awesome 3-year old son, Orion. She is looking forward to Orion getting mature enough to welcome some rat rescues into their home, and one day moving out of urban San Diego to welcome a pack of large, rescued lap dogs into the family! Ashley loves to hear from our Vegepet and Compassion Circle family; don't hesitate to get in touch!
Marina Alexander is our International Sales Representative for Healthy Chick®. She has joined Compassion Circle to introduce our Vegan Pets line to a wellness show or venue near you!
Compassion Circle is dedicated to creating awareness and expanding compassion toward all beings with whom we share this planet. This includes not only those animals who are commonly accepted as companion animals, such as cats and dogs; but also those who are often overlooked and whose abuse is often unfairly justified, such as cows, pigs, birds of all types (including chickens and turkeys), fishes, and even rats.
We are home of the Rat Refuge and the Fish Refuge, peaceful sanctuaries for rescued rats and fishes; and we support our endeavors with the sale of our own line of cruelty-free foods, supplements, and other products of the highest quality for companion animals. 100% of proceeds from our sales help fund our efforts on behalf of animals and pay our staff a living wage.
It has been our long time goal to offer a vegan animal companion food. We are very excited to be the new home of Vegepet™! Compassion Circle is proud to continue the wonderful work of James Peden, the Vegepet™ founder, and honored to continue the healthy, cruelty-free revolution begun by Harbingers of a New age so many years ago. We are dedicated to helping you provide your loved ones with nutritionally complete food of the highest quality, and adding a number of additional products. It is still our intention to develop an organic, vegan, ready-made kibble for companion animals. Please join the email list on our Compassion Circle website to stay informed of our progress!
Compassion Circle was founded by Kim Sheridan. She is nothing short of a Renaissance woman, and her level of compassion is unsurpassed. We are blessed that she is at our helm, leading the way to make the world a better place for all.

Kim Sheridan, Founder of Compassion Circle
Ashley Bass, Assistant to Kim Sheridan

Marina Alexander, International Sales Representative