We have been using VegePet products for 10 years now and are thrilled to have an ethical extension to our vegetarian diet which extends to all creatures in our home.
We have three cats and three dogs, age ranges 7 to 16. Unlike all the other pets in my life prior to VegePet, these animals don't have any of the health problems associated with animal-based products, yet have amazing energy and healthy appearance.
They love the food we make, cooked as appropriate for them just every two weeks and stored in smaller containers in either the freezer or refrigerator for a virtually hassle-free experience.
Thanks to VegePet, we truly have a "cruelty-free" house.
P.S. Right after this photo was taken, everything blew up: one cat hissed at one dog, and the other dog jumped up and barked loudly, making all the cats scatter! It was a rare event to get them all together for a photo.