Dead art doesn’t interest me.
I’d rather watch a black cat dance in the sun.
Her sides are silver, her eyes gleam gold
her face is Egypt mapped
Base-born Siamese, I love you
200 years ago they’d have burnt us both


The good news is the excellent effect Vegecat had on Melaney, our beautiful Siamese. Mel is 10 years old, and was acting her age. But after just two or three weeks of Vegecat supplement, she was literally racing around and behaving as playfully as a kitten. It was wonderful to see her return to her old self. Ossie, our chinchilla, also benefited.
… Did I ever tell you Melaney won two first prizes at the local cat show on her vegetarian diet? Alas, her prizes included a complimentary tin of horrible old Jellymeat!
Of the cats who have given me the privilege of their friendship, Melaney was my favorite. We had her for twelve years. No photo we took ever did her justice. She was at least half Siamese and had the proud grace of a princess. The lion is acknowledged king of the animals, and Mel knew she was his tiny domesticated cousin, but his cousin nonetheless. We first noticed the airs when she was a kitten. At the time I was fascinated by the hauteur of this nondescript black kitten. It wasn’t till she was half grown that her pedigree became apparent. That is, to us — Melaney herself always knew she was class!